Ginger: did you know that fresh ginger and ground up ginger have different effects on the body. If you are too hot you can eat fresh ginger to lower your body temperature. If you are too cold you can eat dried ginger to raise your body temperature. Fresh ginger and dried ginger contain gingerol. Dried ginger has more gingerol than fresh ginger. This is because when you eat dry ginger it gets spicier. Gingerol is what makes ginger hot and spicy. The best effect of gingerol is it protects the body from toxicity.
Here at Nine4Life, we recommend eating ginger everyday but in moderation. Huge amounts of ginger will cause unpleasant diarrhea. You can eat fresh slices with your sushi. How about some hot ginger tea. Add some fresh sliced ginger to your favorite baked fish.
If you don’t have time to eat ginger you can take it in dietary supplement form. SuperBlend 9 contains a balanced amount of dried ginger.
Ginger has awesome weight loss benefits. Eat some fresh ginger after a meal. This will help you curb your appetite so you eat less throughout the day. Ginger will ease the pain of inflammation. If you have a migraine headache ginger can cure it. Boosts your immune system, helps with digestion and great for an upset stomach.
Nutrition Facts: Ginger contains loads of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Folate, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Potassium and Pyridoxine. It also contains lots of minerals, including Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium and Zinc.
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